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Executive Learning Program
Understanding Takaful
Date:19th March, 2020
Venue: IBA, City Campus
Timing: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
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Course Details
IBA CEIF and Pak Qatar Takaful are jointly offering this basic level course on Takaful, its business model and the Shariah guidelines associated with it. The course will further dwell upon the intricate differences between Conventional Insurance and Takaful with the help of case studies and practical examples. The primary objective of this training is to build solid knowledge and understanding of Takaful for the participants.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the basic principles of Riba, Qimar and Gharar
- Understand Takaful Concepts and Practices implemented in Life and General Takaful
- Assess the insurance model and compare with Takaful models prevalent both locally and globally
- Understand Shariah perspective on risk
- Explain the Shariah Guidelines for Investments, Surplus distribution, Charity Fund etc
- Explore the Frequently Asked Questions in Takaful
Who should attend
- Takaful Window Staff
- Takaful Companies Staff
- Entrepreneurs
- Academicians
- Finance Managers
- HR Managers
- Consultants
Registration Deadline and fees
March 3rd, 2020