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Practitioners' Qualification Series
Advanced Certificate in AAOIFI Shariah Standards (ACSS)
Date:October 26th, 2019
Venue: Management House 95 J1 Johar Town, Lahore
Timing: Saturday: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm - Sunday: 10:30 am to 1:30 pm
Register Now! Pay Online
Course Description
The Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance (IBA-CEIF) in collaboration with Dubai Islamic Bank is pleased to announce a 4-month certificate course on AAOIFI Shariah Standards at CEO Club, Johar Town, Lahore. The course is designed for industry professionals / academicians under the supervision of renowned industry experts and Shariah scholars. This unique course is designed to provide extensive knowledge regarding essential Shariah standards / principles in different Islamic modes and financing facilities with their practical applicability, issues faced in practical execution and continuous monitoring of every individual transaction. This course will provide practitioners with an excellent opportunity to enhance their skills for the development of the industry as a whole.
Course Facilitators
- Dr Imran Ashraf Usmani
- Mufti Hassan Kaleem
- Mufti Najeeb Khan
- Mufti Irshad Ahmed Aijaz
- Mufti Khalil Aazmi
- Mufti Abdullah Najeeb Siddiqui and other renowned Shariah Experts
Eligibility Criterion
This is an advanced level course which requires basic knowledge of Islamic Banking and Finance. Participants should have:
1) At least two years of experience in Islamic Finance Industry
2) A Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) in Islamic Banking & Finance from a recognized institution OR
3) At least completed master’s degree in business/ economics (preferred) OR
4) Individuals graduated with qualification in Islamic Jurisprudence with one-year experience with any Islamic Financial institution
5) If you do not fulfill any of the above criteria, BUT you strongly feel that you can attend this course, you can send your profile to let us assess you
Program Contents
Module 1
Usool ul Fiqh
Module 2
Shariah Standards on Modes and Contracts
Module 3
Shariah Standards on Sale Transactions
Module 4
Shariah Standards on Investment Arrangements
Module 5
Shariah Standards on Services Offered by IFIs
Module 6
Shariah Standards on Zakat & Takaful
Module 7
Business and Regulatory Environment and other matters
Registration Fees and Deadline
PKR 105,000/- per participant