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Executive Learning Program
Islamic Finance for Ulama & Shari'ah Scholars
Date:Tuesday – September 14, 21, 28 & October 5, 2021 (Total Hours: 16)
Venue: Online (via Zoom)
Timing: 9:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. (PKT)
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Course Details
The Centre for Excellence in Islamic Finance, IBA is pleased to offer an online (16 hours) course for Ulama & Shari'ah Scholars to provide in-depth understanding of Islamic Financing, Economic & Banking concepts and the related Shari'ah principles governing Islamic Finance. The course is uniquely designed to provide the participants insights to various elements of Islamic Finance together with the latest practices adopted by the Industry. The course, enriched with case studies and practical exercises, aims to provide a rich learning experience to the participants, which will equip them with the required skills to explore the growing field of Islamic Banking and Finance.
Learning outcomes
- Develop understanding of Islamic Finance and Economic Systems
- Understand essential Shariah Principles related to Islamic Banking and Finance
- Understand the role of State Bank of Pakistan and prudential regulations for Islamic Banks
- Assess different modes of financing, both Short Term and Long Term Financing
- Explore Shariah Governance Framework & Shariah Compliance in Islamic Banking Industry
- Elucidate Liquidity Management & Treasury Operations
- Explicate Sukuk Structuring and its types
- Examine Islamic Capital Market
Course / Attendance Rules
- Certificate Eligibility Criteria: 80% Aggregate Attendance and 70% Aggregate Marks are mandatory.
- Participant has to attempt all the Quizzes / Test
- Timely submission of assignment is mandatory for all the students
- Participants are required to switch-on their cameras/videos during the class (females are exempted)
Registration Deadline
Sunday – September 12, 2021
Note: This course is ONLY for Ulama & Shari'ah Scholars. Female Shariah scholars and students of Islamic Fiqh are encouraged to apply.